Knowledge Base

Domain Regstration

How to Register a Domain

  • First Click on the Order Box or Order on the Head Menu.
  • Enter your preferred Domain Name in the Box indicated by You can enter the name without the .com and select the box(s) below to show you the available options. If you do not see the extension you wish, you could either add the whole name preferred of Click Show All and you will see all of the available extensions we are able to register for you.
  • Click on Check Availability. If the name is not taken you will see the message Congratulations, that domain is available. You will also be shown the price for the Annual Registration.

To proceed Click on Order Selected.

On this page you will see again the Term & Price then Configurable Options;
- Nameservers - The Nameservers listed will automatically populate and will prepare your Domain Name to Host a Website on Our Servers. If it will be hosted elsewhere you will eventually need to know the Nameservers for the Server Hosting a Website. They can be easily changed after ordering. So If you do not know, leave them at the default.

- Email Forwarding - This will allow you to create email address(es) with your New Domain Name (e.g. and forward them to another email address you currently have.

- ID Protection - This is very much a necessity. This registers your Domain Name but hides your personal information from Public View. This will save you from being on every junk mail list on the planet. This is a bit of an exaggeration but you will be bombarded with emails and phone calls from anyone selling business products.

- DNS Management - If you are going to be hosting your website elsewhere you may need to select DNS Management. You will have full control of all of the settings for directing where your website is hosted, what server may handle your email addresses, etc. This could be a good thing but you will need to know to make the correct settings. Since you will be deciding to host your website with us, This is unnecessary. You will still have access and control over your DNS settings in the cPanel. Hosting with Us - Do Not Need to Select.

  • Make Your Selections on Configurable Options - Then Select Continue
  • You will come to Order Summary. Verify the Domain Is Listed, You Selected Configurable Option(s) & Your Total. If you have a Coupon Code Enter It Here to Modify Your Purchase Price.
  • Continue down the page and you will be given the option to Either Log In if you already have an Account with Us. If Not Fill in your Details. This Information will be used as the Registrar of the Domain Name as well as your Account Information With Us.
  • Under Section Additional Settings a Box is there that would allow you to enter the Web Address IF you are Also Purchasing a Hosting Package. Since We are Only Registering A Domain in this Exercise - Leave the Box Empty.
  • Authentication - Select A Strong Password for Your Account.
  • Select Create Account.  Your Account with Us will be Created. Upon Selection Create Account an Email will be sent to the Email Address you Listed. The email sent to you is to verify the email address you listed in your details.
  • Re-verify your order. Enter Your Payment Information. You will have the option to Select Auto Renew. This will allow us to Automatically Renew your Domain So you don't have to worry about it ever expiring. Click Continue And Purchase.
  • Verify Your Email with the Email Sent. You will Also Receive an Electronic Receipt to your Email for your Purchase.
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